Recognised by the Govt. of T.S.
Krishna Nagar Colony, Macha Bollaram, Alwal, Medchal, Telangana 500010

1. Does the School have facilities to address Special Education Nees?
The School has a well-equipped Special Education Needs Department. Please visit here regarding the capability of the School to handle Special Education Needs.

2. Whom should a parent approach for any extraordinary leave?
If the child is in Junior School the parent should contact Class Teacher of the School. If the child is in Senior School the parent should contact Principal of the School.

3. Whom do I contact for health and welfare concerns?
The parents may be advised to contact the Resident Medical Officer for more details. In special cases, especially for sanction of leave or to discuss any suggestion/ concern, the parents may contact the Principal of the School.

4. How do I find out the list of documentation required for admission of a student who is an adopted child of his parents?
You are advised to contact admission in-charge for the details because requirements may vary from case to case.

5. Whom should I contact for admissions?
Admission incharge, Holy Faith High School, Alwal & Email - office@holyfaithhighschool.com

6. What are the timings for enquiry?
Please call at the School Admission Office between 9 a.m-4 p.m from Monday to Saturday.
After working hours by sending SMS on + 918464895571. The concerned personnel will get back to you in next 24 hours.

7. What is the interaction procedure?
Prospective candidate who has appeared for either of the Entrance Test will be invited to the school for an Interaction Session before offering the admission.

8. What do I need in order to prepare for the Entrance Assessments?
Syllabus for the Entrance Assessment in English, Mathematics and Hindi is available and provided by Admission incharge.

For any other queries Click here